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Mission Without Borders, Inc

Mission Without Borders was founded in 1960 in response to the material and spiritual needs of people living in poverty or sufferi...Learn more

Mission Without Borders, Inc logo

About Mission Without Borders, Inc

Mission Without Borders was founded in 1960 in response to the material and spiritual needs of people living in poverty or suffering persecution. Our work began when the Cold War was at its most intense. In Eastern Europe, a rigid political system had demanded strict loyalty, and those who dared to disagree suffered imprisonment and death. Literally millions of Christians were persecuted for their beliefs. Many paid with their lives and still do in various parts of the world. The courage and valor of Christians who have suffered for their faith has motivated us to assist them. Now that the walls are down Mission Without Borders experiences exceptional cooperation from the Eastern European governments of Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania and Ukraine. Our activities in China continue under difficult and dangerous circumstances. Generous support from individual donors, companies, foundations, churches, other NGO's and governments make our work possible. We have offices in the United States, Canada, Australia, Belgium, Germany, Holland, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. All accounts are audited by independent auditors, Ernst & Young on an annual basis. This includes international, affiliate and field operations. A copy of our audited annual report is available upon request. Our web site,, will help you to get to know us better.

711 E Daily Dr Suite 120Camarillo, CA 93010


Religion, International development



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Human Service Organizations

Mission Without Borders, Inc is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 77-0292572. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.

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