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Missionary District of Turtle Island LLC (District of Turtle Island) logo

Missionary District of Turtle Island LLC (District of Turtle Island)

The Missionary District of Turtle Island (the “District”), promotes and supports the emotional, physical, behavioral, and spiritua...Learn more

Missionary District of Turtle Island LLC (District of Turtle Island) logo

About Missionary District of Turtle Island LLC (District of Turtle Island)

The Missionary District of Turtle Island (the “District”), promotes and supports the emotional, physical, behavioral, and spiritual well-being of American Indian people and indigenous communities (American Indian herein means those indigenous to America and from time to time referred to as the “Indigenous People,” and where applicable as the “Indigenous Communities.”) By providing comprehensive integrated services for all age groups, the District encourages youth development, community cultural enrichment, and focuses on community engagement opportunities with disadvantaged, homeless, and veterans. Additionally, the District confronts substance abuse with prevention and treatment services, and supportsdomestic abuse survivors in the communities the District serves.

PO Box 453248Sunrise, FL 33345

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Cultural awareness, Environmental health, Community health care, Sustainable development, Youth development



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Cultural, Ethnic Awareness

Missionary District of Turtle Island LLC (District of Turtle Island) is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 32-0598720. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.

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