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The National Foundation for the Advancement of Artists (National Young Arts Foundation) logo

The National Foundation for the Advancement of Artists (National Young Arts Foundation)

YoungArts identifies the most accomplished young artists in the visual, literary and performing arts, and provides them with creat...Learn more

The National Foundation for the Advancement of Artists (National Young Arts Foundation) logo

About The National Foundation for the Advancement of Artists (National Young Arts Foundation)

YoungArts identifies the most accomplished young artists in the visual, literary and performing arts, and provides them with creative and professional development opportunities and support throughout their careers.

2100 Biscayne BlvdMiami, FL 33137


Dance, Performing arts, Theater, Music, Literature and writing, Film and video, Visual arts



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NTEE code

Other Art, Culture, Humanities Organizations/Services N.E.C.

The National Foundation for the Advancement of Artists (National Young Arts Foundation) is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 59-2141837. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.

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