In Memory of Diana Katapodis
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Newton-Wellesley Hospital\u0027s mission to provide exemplary patient care extends beyond the care of individuals within its walls...Learn more
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Newton-Wellesley Hospital\u0027s mission to provide exemplary patient care extends beyond the care of individuals within its walls to the health needs of the community at large. In partnership with its community, Newton-Wellesley Hospital developed a comprehensive program of measurable community benefit intended. -To increase access to care in an equitable and efficient fashion to all segments -To identify and address specific health care needs that are distinctive to the hospital\u0027s community -To improve the health of the community and reduce health care costs through programs of preventive medicine and health promotion.
Health, Hospital care, Specialty hospital care
Hospital (General)
Newton-Wellesley Hospital is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 04-2103611. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.