William Bailey is fundraising

Northern Lights Solar Installation
Update November 24, 2022. We are grateful this Thanksgiving for all that have helped out on this project. Solar panels have arrived - progress!
Update November 18, 2022. Posts are set just before the snow flies and solar modules are being delivered just before Thanksgiving. We give thanks for all who have donated to this project. If you can help on this upcoming Giving Tuesday, all donations will go toward producing clean energy for Northern Lights.
Update: August 18, 2022. We are very happy to welcome Memorial Medical Center as a sponsor of the Northern Lights Project. They have donated $2500 toward the project. Each dollar donated, each panel purchased "dramatically lowers annual utility bills. The money saved will then be available to fund patient care" Clair Morud, MD.
Thank you, MMC!
Update: August 11, 2022. We have reached a milestone. $5,000 has been received from the community for the solar project allowing Cheq Bay Renewables' $5,000 of matching funds to be met. Together we can now purchase 32 solar panels of the 68 potential. Keep up the good work. Spread the word!
Solar panel donations needed!
Northern Lights Services, the assisted living and nursing home in Washburn, WI has a high-efficiency, 120kW solar electric installation planned. Please help.
Focus on Energy has reserved $34,000 as an incentive for this project.
Solar for Good, a nonprofit from Madison, has donated 50% of the panels needed ($36,800).
Nokomis Energy, a community solar developer in Minneapolis, has donated 20% of the panels ($11,279).
Northern Lights must fund the rest of the panels: $17,000.
Cheq Bay Renewables is using $5000 from donations to match the first 15 panels donated from the community. Each panel costs $334, and panel donors will be recognized. Any amount is much appreciated. Can you please help?
The panels are state-of-the-art bi-facial panels, with glass on both sides, which allows the solar cells to collect light that bounces off the ground (or snow in winter!), boosting their energy collection.
More information about the 120kW solar project on CBR's website
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34 supporters