Clint Baird is fundraising

Help Northwest Bakersfield Baseball

The operating budget to maintain the facility on a monthly basis runs between $8,000-$11,000 each month even when teams are not playing at the fields. This covers PG&E, water, mowing of the fields, payroll for the maintenance crew, and various necessary repairs and maintenance costs to keep the facility operational. All others are unpaid volunteers of the organization.
Unfortunately, we are unsure when a new season may resume. We have been ordered by the State of California and County of Kern to remain shut down.
As we continue to be shut down the facility still requires daily upkeep. The grass continues to grow and things around the facility continue to need repair.
At this point, our only hope in keeping Northwest Bakersfield Baseball open for the future is to reach out to the public for support until the point in time we are able to resume normal league play.
Northwest Bakersfield Baseball serves between 1,300-1,600 youth athletes in Kern Country each year. Losing an organization like this would be detrimental to the youth in Kern County that we serve in our area.
Northwest Bakersfield Baseball has 1,000's of alumni that we are pleading to for donations to help the league survive this rough time. Those of you that played or had children played we are hoping you remember those memories that you experienced out there when you were a part of the organization.
We are also looking for corporate sponsorships if you or your company is interested email at [email redacted]
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32 supporters