Shalum Deeka is fundraising
Solidarity with Dr. Mohammed Jalal Hashim
تعرض المفكر والكاتب وعالم الاثار السوداني د. محمد جلال هاشم للإصابة بقذيفة حين قصفت منطقة الكلاكلة بالخرطوم يومي ٢٤ و٢٥ يونيو. وقد خضع الدكتور محمد جلال لعدة عمليات، اخرها عملية بتر رجله اليمين. وهو الان خارج الخرطوم للنقاهة. وحملة التبرعات هذه هدفها تغطية تكاليف السفر خارج السودان لإكمال العلاج. مساهمات د. محمد جلال هاشم الفكرية والثقافية، معروفة. ونضاله لأجل العدالة والمساواة والديمقراطية في السودان، ودعمه لشعوب الهامش – كل ذلك غني عن التعريف. ندعوكم/ن للتضامن والمساهمة بسخاء.
This fund-raising campaign is organized by the friends of Sudanese archaeologist, thinker, writer, and political activist Dr. Mohammed Jalal Hashim, to support urgent medical evacuation, treatment, and rehabilitation. Dr. Mohammed Jalal Hashim sustained injuries in one of his legs following an explosion in Khartoum, Sudan. Dr. Mohammed Jalal did not receive treatment for two days post the explosion. As a result, surgeons had to amputate his affected leg above the knee. Known for his dedication to democratic transformation, justice, and equality among all Sudanese, and for his immense intellectual and cultural contributions, Dr. Mohamed Jalal needs urgent medical evacuation and further treatment and rehabilitation. Please donate generously & in solidarity.
Your donation will be delivered through the Nuba Mountains International Association Inc, and any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me.
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45 supporters