Molly Hayward is fundraising

Revitalize Occidental's Town Square!
This year, the Occidental Community Council engaged in a Community Action Planning (CAP) process to identify areas of opportunity to improve life in our magical town of Occidental.
You may have never noticed it, but in the heart of Occidental's downtown there is a little square (technically its a triangle!) with BIG potential; in desperate need of love and revitalization so that it can be better utilized and enjoyed by our community-- as a place for sitting, playing, gathering, and celebrating together.
Currently, the space is overgrown and deteriorating, with awkwardly placed benches, trash piles, and no fence to keep children safe from the surrounding traffic.

But there's GREAT NEWS. The land is owned by Sonoma County, and they have given us the go-ahead to embark upon this process of designing and rebuilding a fresh new space that is safe, beautiful, and functional. But we need your help to fund the initial design process to bring a new Town Square to life! A donation of any size makes an impact.
Thank you in advance for your contribution to this project that has the potential to transform our downtown into a more welcoming and vibrant place!
If you have any questions or would like to become a more significant donor to fund our long-term design and construction needs, please contact us using the Contact button below.
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41 supporters