Update: Paula has completed her Camino and writes the following message to all who have contributed:
Dear Family in Faith, Hope, and Charity.
Blessings to you all and thank you so much for your generous support to our Sisters and your spiritual support to me in my pilgrimage. I have been amazed at the good will that this effort has generated. There were many challenges during my Camino, but with the love of family, friends and sponsors, and more than a little help from my Holy Guardian Angel, I completed my journey earning the Compostela. There were many wonderful people I met along the route that assisted me, young and old, from all over the world. All continents were represented in the folks that I met. We crossed the great divides of language, race and culture to unite in our common goal of reaching Santiago. I will treasure the memories. I have and will continue to keep my sponsors in prayer in thanksgiving for the wonderful support to the convent crucifix. Blessings to all. Paula
Thank you, Paula, for your generosity and love for the Work and the Sisters!
Your Sisters in Christ,
the Sisters of the Holy Cross
Original message:
The Sisters of the Holy Cross need our help! With the Order of the Holy Cross they are erecting a permanent home in Carrollton, OH. T
he convent is nearing completion and one of the final items to be installed will be the altar crucifix. WHO WE ARE AND WHAT WE DO:
Order of Canons Regular of the Holy CrossWe are Priests and Brothers living in community to answer God’s call to holiness and
to cooperate in the work of the Holy Angels for the salvation of souls. This is a call to intimate friendship with Jesus. We also wish to help others find Christ and grow in His love. To this end, we engage in an extensive
preaching ministry: directing retreats, missions, and days of recollection.
Sisters of the Holy CrossWe are a community of
Sisters who serve the Church following the example of Mary, bride and handmaid of the Lord. Our mission is to
support the Holy Father, Bishops and Priests through prayer, sacrifice and living our bond with God; but it also involves active help in domestic and administrative areas, in the secretariat and management, in retreat work,
and in ministry to families, children and youth.Our Lay Apostolate: Opus Sanctorum Angelorum (OA), Work of the Holy AngelsThrough retreats and directed formation we are building an association of members who join in the
spiritual and earthly support of the Holy Father, Bishops, Priests and all religious through four fundamental spiritual directions:
adoration, expiation, contemplation and mission.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Sisters found
the perfect crucifix for the convent chapel altar, a beautiful 19th Century 7ft. crucifix from a former French monastery, shown above.
An Opus Angelorum member will walk 70 miles on the Camino de Santiago, from Sarria to Santiago de Compostela in Spain, September 26 to October 7 (the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary) and is
offering this pilgrimage to raise money for the purchase of the Sister’s altar crucifix. You can share in the spiritual benefits of this pilgrimage with your generous donation.
We need $7,000 to purchase the altar crucifix.
Let’s help the Sisters. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life." The Holy Cross is the way of Sisters of the Holy Cross. In gratitude for your generous donation, please send your special intentions to:
The Sisters of the Holy Cross
164 Apollo Road SE
Carrollton, OH 44615 Buen Camino!
For additional information send inquiries to: [email redacted]