Marya Mann is fundraising
Children for Peace on Earth
Aloha Kakou! (Love to us All)
Would you rather have conflict or peace? Do you believe like we do that children deserve to be healthy and happy? Can we teach youth more about the thrill of art-making and focus less on the woes of war-mongering?
Yes! Yes! And Yes! We CAN help to make peace in our world --one breath, one child, one meal, and one paintbrush stroke at a time. We're raising money now to support the life-changing ArtWavEs Nourish the Children program. Please click on the picture below to view our brief mission video!
Any donation you can make will help feed children, give children the skills of kindness and creativity, and make an impact in creating Peace in our World.
Thank you again and again for your contribution toward a world that works for everyone. It IS within our reach. By donating here, you will help to provide nutritional, psychosocial, and creative support for children, youth, and adults.
In the last 10 years, we have touched the hearts and minds of more than 9,500 students, families, volunteers, teachers, and community leaders, in more than 130 free workshops and classes. We delivered 3200 meals and 4800 snacks.
We also offered soul food in the form of free Art Education and Silk Painting, providing playful, joyful, trauma-healing, and peacebuilding experiences in schools, child-friendly spaces, youth centers, festivals, and through our online platforms.
During the last 18 months, we guided 290 new students in learning how to make silk Peace Flags, led children in processing the pain and grief of the Lahaina Fires through art, and recorded two professional Peace Arts training videos. Your donations will go toward food, art supplies, fundraising, and outreach to double our impact in the coming year.
ArtWavEs Nourish the Children (AWE) began on Hawaii Island and now has Peace Arts Guides serving Hawaii, Utah, and Illinois to give children, teens, and families more joy, hope, and creative skills while serving meals and snacks to support healthy bodies.
Children, Teens, Families, and Creativity are our planet's most valuable resources.
If children learn to practice peace and be creative at an early age, they will join together in the coming Generation of Peace and guide our planet to a sustainable, harmonious future. The world is chaotic, but we dispel the chaos by bringing their focus to love. They become powerful advocates for the future they want -- as Children for Peace.
Besides nourishing youth and families who make Peace Flags in our transformational programs, the profound beauty of silk Peace Flags and Banners have a quantum magic that opens the heart, lives long, and is globally healing.
Today, hundreds of unique Peace Flags, conceived and created by children, teens, and collaborating groups, are imbued with unconditional love for our planet. As their original dreams and images ripple in the wind, the breeze changes shape and the ripple effect spreads peace into the world.
Quantum magic is in the air!
Support the social and emotional well-being of vulnerable children in the United States and beyond, and create a more peaceful planet!
Join us to nourish children with this unique, life-giving approach! ArtWavEs can make a huge difference in children's lives -- with your support.
In the coming year, we are teaching an ArtWavEs series of workshops beginning in January at Lei Ohana in Kona. In March, we are collaborating with Grammy-award-winning musician LT Smooth and his HEARO Foundation in creating a concert where thousands of people will be able to sing, paint, celebrate Peace, and raise funds to cultivate Children's Health & Creativity.
During the Summer, we are producing two 5-day Eco-Arts Camps and making more than 100 new Flags for children to take home and 200 more new Banners for Peace Exhibits & Gifting. Each event constellates intentional creativity with a high level of skill, love, treasured friendships, a sense of community, and sustainable living practices.
It starts with you helping us to help kids learn early how vital the breath, their intentions, and practicing peace and art skills are in a world without war.
AWE supporters like you have big hearts and big dreams. Together, we are working to change the violent trajectory of our world into one aimed at world peace.
“I love this project and will do everything I can to help. Why? I believe you’ve found the solution to the problems of war and violence. You have discovered the key to Creating World Peace!” --Felicia Feefee, Business Owner and Fiber Artist, Creative Costumes of Kainaliu, Hawaii Island
“You could see her transform right before our eyes. Eleven-year-old Kaitlyn in the Centralia ArtWavEs workshop had been quiet and working on her painting for three weeks of the program. Then, on that last day of peace painting, during a discussion with the students about kindness, the sixth grader stood up and sang ‘The Fight Song’ in front of her classmates and adult volunteers. As clear and beautiful as an angel. Her moment of truth and bravery was nurtured by her feeling that she belonged to something very important and necessary. I believe that her choice to sing ‘The Fight Song’ at that moment reflected her need to reclaim her voice and her life, not through violence but through self-expression, through song and painting her thoughts and dreams. It was truly a miraculous transformation that I was blessed to witness.”
--Susan Minor, Illinois Peace Arts Guide & AWE Deva
“Art is a very important part of children’s education. ArtWavEs allowed them to develop their creativity and build their character. It helps them to improve their attitude, their behavior, and just generally how they can get along with each other. When I came in and saw the banners all along the cafeteria walls, it added such beauty to these walls. But what really impressed me was to know the kids created this, and we thank you and Artwaves for helping the keiki, our children here. On behalf of the school, I’ll say it, thank you.” --Kumu Kekoa Ahuna, Hawaiian Studies Teacher, Kealakehe Elementary School
“The ArtWavEs event at the Centralia Jr. High was a delightful experience for everyone involved…students, teachers, facilitators and volunteers. Kids are naturally creative. However, the Arts are often the first thing to get cut from a school’s budget. The students were so focused and engaged during the ArtWavEs project. An example is Nick, an autistic boy who had a full-time paraprofessional, could not stay on task, and exhibited inappropriate behavior. During the ArtWavEs activities, he was totally focused and on task the entire time. A boy who is rarely successful in school was a Rock Star as he painted with such vigor and enthusiasm, creating an amazing work of art. It was such a JOY to see that all students could feel successful!” --Jane Yates, 1st Grade Teacher-Retired, now an ArtWavEs volunteer
“On behalf of the Suicide Prevention Task Force, the Benefit Committee, and the residents of Hawaii Island, I would like to thank you and your group who displayed the silk Peace Banners at the event in March (2016). The panels were beautiful and their colors added a warm and festive quality to the energy of the group and our collective focus. We appreciate the efforts you expended on our behalf. The crowd LOVED the banners. Mahalo for all that you do in the community, especially regarding Feed the Children Kona and ArtWavEs.”
-- Nancy Sallee, MFT, Orchid Isle Psychotherapy, Founder of Hawaii Island Suicide Prevention Foundation, Mental Health Lead for American Red Cross-Hawaii
“My students graduated last year, but they liked working with the 6th graders. I thought it was a great project. “
-- Mike Morris, SOAR 8th grade teacher, Centralia Jr High
“Over the last 40-plus years my work with victims of trauma has taught me that art, music, and breath mindfulness are how healing can happen. My ArtWavEs experience with 132 sixth graders gave testimony to the healing magic of this project. Not one student displayed behavior problems, all relaxed, and each of them was present in the moment. Active meditation is so helpful for our brains. Plain and clear: THIS IS HEALING.”
-- Kathy Donnelly (Home to School Liaison for CENTRALIA City Schools).
“When the children walked in for the first ArtWavEs class, many were surprised and curious, but many more were sultry, angry, and defiant. They had just spent two years in the pandemic lock-down without sports, close friends, and the fun of childhood. Their attitude was one of “Ainokea (AH-ee-noh-KEH-ah),” slang for: “I don't care,” or “I couldn't care less than I already do.” The art class was akin to a boxing match with shouting, throwing paint, and running around the tables. By the third class, you could have heard a pin drop. It was like a Zen temple. Quiet, meditative, focused. I heard one say to an art mentor, “Could I please have some more paint?” To a fellow painter, “Oh, I like how you drew that snail (or leaf or sun).” To themselves, “I am a good person. I am an artist. I belong here, and my expression matters.” It was incredible, truly AWEsome!”
--Marya Mann, AWE program director
Donate NOW to create more AWE and PEACE in our beautiful world!
There are many ways to help:
Volunteer, Network, Make Earmarked Donations for Scholarships & Art Materials, Donate Food, Support Development and Product Placement, Grants & Administration, and.....Share your ideas with us. If you want Peace in the World, you can help create it!
Visit our website HERE
View our 90-second mission video HERE
Or write to us here to volunteer, network, and/or suggest other resources.
Mahalo nui loa! Thank you!
The ArtWavEs Team, All Committed Volunteers:
Marya, Maureen, Lara, Susan, and Felicia
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11 supporters