Fred Howe is fundraising

Rescue abandoned pets
These puppies were found outside our front door yesterday morning. There were 10 puppies packed in the container, extremly hot, wet and one smallest one was under all the others, in very bad shape. Paws and Hooves Rescue Foundation is located in Stilwell Oklahoma with one of the highest poverty rates in Oklahoma resulting in many puppies like these that are abandoned, usually droped off in remote areas. Also many cannot afford to have them spayed or neutered as well as feed them.
We take in between 400 annd 500 dogs per year. All are spayed or neutered, and reccieve all age appropriate immunizations.
Adopting dogs is difficult in this area and getting a price to maintain the rescue, therefore we are forced to transport the undopted pets to other shelters in larger cities that have a need for more pets. This is done for no reimbursement.
Currently we are operating out of the Patterson Animal Hospital and are very short on housing.We and have undertaken a building drive for a kennel building that would hold up to 50 dogs, with its own surgery. The building has been started usung funds from fundraisers and donations. The walls and roof are up and we are trying to get the funds to complete the building. We and all the abandoned dogs want to thank you for any help you can provide
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952 supporters