Play It Forward
Play It Forward is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with the mission of helping musicians make positive changes in the world. We do this by providing an online fundraising platform ( where musicians distribute their original songs in exchange for donations to charities of their choice, and 100% of proceeds go to these charities. We are run by volunteers and do not charge a fee for using our platform, which differentiates us from all other music distribution services and online fundraising platforms (other than GoFundMe, which is also free to use).
We are excited that our growth is accelerating as more musicians are using our service. During our first year of operations in 2015, we hosted 10 musical fundraisers and raised a total of just over $3500 for other non-profit organizations. Contrast this with the past year, in which Play It Forward hosted 50 new fundraisers and raised over $13,500 for charities. We're honored that so many new artists are utilizing our service to help a variety of important causes!
Although we have been very busy raising money for other non-profits, we have never hosted a fundraiser for ourselves until now. In order to support our accelerated growth and enable us to continue donating 100% of fundraising proceeds to charities, the time has come to ask for public donations. We are hoping to raise $3000 which will help us provide new features on the website as well as cover our basic operating costs for the next two years. All donations, large or small, will help us achieve this goal. If we surpass our goal, we can use the additional funds to provide more substantial improvements to the website, increase our promotional efforts, and sustain our free-to-use website for even longer than two years!
Everyone who donates $10 or more will receive a personal thank-you e-mail from a PIF Board Member. Whoever makes the largest donation will receive a new pair of Ray-Ban sunglasses with a retail value of $220.00, generously donated by Auburn Westboro Eye Associates.
Please see below for video testimonials from musicians who have used our fundraising platform to benefit charities.
Thank you for your support!
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