Bear Cub Enclosure
Bear cubs need your help!!!

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Our goals are : 1) the provision of humane, professional care for injured and orphaned wildlife of all native species for the pur...Learn more
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Our goals are : 1) the provision of humane, professional care for injured and orphaned wildlife of all native species for the purpose of return to the wild when appropriate. 2) Provide education to the public about the natural history, importance of, and ways in which we can coexist with the rich diversity of wildlife native to Pennsylvania. Thousands of students, tourists, scouts, teachers, homeowners, seniors and others attend our education programs annually. As this region continues to draw new residents from urban areas, the need for advice, assistance, information, education and referrals will grow. The Pocono Wildlife Rehabilitation Center is seeking to reach a broader group of people by providing on-site programs, homeowner workshops and informational literature about preventing and reducing human-wildlife conflicts in addition to its current educational services. 3) Finally, injury and disease transmission to people is prevented by providing a socially acceptable means by which wildlife is removed from the hands of the public. Human health and safety is enhanced when the PWRC treats animals which would otherwise be cared for by individuals in their homes. Information and advice provided on the phone and in our education programs prevent individuals from acting without correct information. Such actions place humans and animals in danger. As more people move into rural habitats, contact with wildlife will become more common, adding to the potential for contracting disease and facing injury. The Pocono Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education Center will strive to continue to provide a place where wildlife can be treated and people informed about how to deal with wildlife issues in a safe and successful manner.
Environment, Animal welfare, Wildlife biodiversity
Wildlife Sanctuary/Refuge
Pocono Wildlife Rehabilitation Ctr is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 23-2524389. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.
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