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Purposefully Broken

to help the world initiate/ foster an intimate relationship with our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, growing and maintaining a stead...Learn more

Purposefully Broken logo

About Purposefully Broken

to help the world initiate/ foster an intimate relationship with our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, growing and maintaining a steadfast Faith, preparing the mind, body and soul for the Lords most perfect healing. Healing is intentional, so your Faith must be deliberate. We were all broken so that through our Healing God would get the glory. Your healing will reveal God's purpose and your purpose can expose the world to the Love of God. God is Love... small acts of kindness encourage you in his Love. Charity, service, advocacy and outreach replicate the love of Jesus.

6434 W Honeysuckle DrPhoenix, AZ 85083


Christianity, Health



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Purposefully Broken is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 88-1701533. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.

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