David Derickson is fundraising
Help restore Rainbow Lake
The Rainbow Lake Conservation Company is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization formed to help provide funds for the restoration of Rainbow Lake in Lakeside, Arizona.
A brief history:
Rainbow Lake was formed in 1903. An earthen dam blocked Walnut Creek to form the 110 acre lake. Its original purpose was to provide water for agriculture in the White Mountains. Over the last 120 years, the lake has evolved into a sport fishing lake, a habitat for all sorts of wildlife including bald and golden eagles, and a beautiful area for local owners and visitors to enjoy.
Due to a water rights lawsuit that has gone on for 25 years, the water district’s income has gone toward legal fees. Maintenance of the lake has been put off for all of that time. The earthen dam needs to be repaired, the head gate needs to be replaced, ditches need to be replaced with pipe, and the lake needs to be dredged. It will take millions of dollars.
For the last 10 years, the lake's water level has dropped significantly in the irrigation season (spring through fall) to the point where wildlife has left and the lake is no longer useful for recreation of any kind. The delayed maintenance must be done to maintain the integrity of the lake.
We have applied for a $1.5 million Department of the Interior grant. To be awarded the grant, we must have matching funds of $500,000 in our bank account. We are currently (Nov 2024) at just over $340,000 including this campaign, other sources, pledges, and previous donations. We need $160,000 more by the end of December.
Please make a tax-deductible donation to help restore Rainbow Lake. Any amount will help and will be sincerely appreciated.
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8 supporters