To our Dear Friends & Family!
May is Brain Tumor Awareness Month. It's also my 40th BIRTHDAY month!
Over the last decade, Bill and I have grown far too acquainted with an absolute bear of a brain tumor - the Craniopharyngioma - that's affected one of our children.
By sharing our story, my goal is to raise money for the Raymond A. Wood Foundation, a foundation that empowers hypothalamic-pituitary brain tumor survivors for improved quality of life by providing access to education, technology, and evolving treatments.
What IS a Craniopharyngioma brain tumor?
- It is classified as, a skull-based, Hypothalamic-Pituitary tumor
- it is benign (non-cancerous), but highly recurrent and located in a very dangerous place in the brain
- It is located near the Optic Nerve and invades the Pituitary Gland & Hypothalymus
- It is classified as Rare Disease, affecting LESS THAN 5,000 people in the U.S.,
- It affects most notably in children ages 5-14 years old.
- However, it can affect anyone
- Once removed, they often grow back TRUST ME, they do grow back
- Children, like ours, are left with CHRONIC + LIFE-LONG conditions in parallel with LIFE-SUSTAINING + LIFE-SAVING medication as their daily norm.
- Among these things, CHILDHOOD TRAUMA like this creates a wide range of MENTAL HEALTH issues
- Headaches
- Nausea
- Recurrent vomiting
- Slow growth
- Vision issues
- Behavioral changes
- ...and more
There are 2 ways to resect a tumor, but before removal of the tumor, a Ventriculoperitoneal (VP) Shunt Surgery may be required.
Many children experience pressure/headaches because a growing tumor may prohibit Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) from draining/absorbing into the body (Hydrocephalus a.k.a "water on the brain")
To correct this, initial brain surgery is needed to place a VP Shunt (valve & catheter) into the brain to allow brain fluid drainage into the abdomen. This tube runs from the top of your skull and fed down through the neck and into the abdomen
REMOVAL OPTION 1: Craniotomy (More Invasive + Risk)
This surgery was NOT what we wanted. Includes surgically removing a section at the top of the skull to access the brain; much more risky as the tumor is located below the brain! No thanks!
REMOVAL OPTION 2: Endoscopic Endonasal Approach (EEA)
- This is the "Less Invasive" approach - which we chose.
- Access to the brain occurs via the child's nose
- DID YOU KNOW? Sinuses do not develop until Adolescence. It's true!
- Thus, sinus holes must be "created" to mimic the sinus in a childhood patient
- A small area of bone is removed from the skull to allow access to the tumor
- The tumor is removed through an Endoscope
- Depending on the severity, our child's Pituitary Gland was also removed
- A skin graft is needed (in our child's case, from the leg)
- This graft is used to "close" up the area of the nasal/skull that was used for the removal
- A foley bulb (balloon) and drain are placed in the nose to allow the graft to adhere and allow any post-surgical brain fluid to drain
- This process of surgery can take 6-8 hours
- This surgery included a Pediatric Neurosurgeon, Adult Neurosurgeon + an Nose/Throat Surgeon (a.k.a. Otolaryngologist)
***Due to a recurrence, the EEA surgery was performed TWICE
The Pituitary a.k.a the “Master Gland” of the Endocrine System is something the size of a TINY little pea. Yet, it controls wholeheartedly EVERY. SINGLE. RESPONSE. (physiologically & hormonally) in the human body.
- There is NO TRANSPLANT to replace Pituitary Gland
- Many survivors - like our child - will experience damage to their Hypothalamus
- Damage to the Hypothalamus is irreversible
- Childhood Survivors will spend the rest of their life under the care of Neurosurgeons, Endocrinologists & Neuroednocrinologists
- There is NO CURE for the chronic, secondary conditions childhood survivors are faced
Amongst tons of ongoing care, our kiddo was left with CHRONIC + LIFE-LONG conditions in parallel with LIFE-SUSTAINING + LIFE-SAVING medication as their DAILY NORM.
To survive - and I mean to simply WAKE UP and LIVE day-to-day - our child must take 4 different types of medications totaling:
15 pills/tablets + 1 injectable each day, 7 days a week, 365 days/year!
This means our child takes approx. or 5,475 pills/year + 365 injections! think that some survivors take MORE than this!
There is also NO TRANSPLANT for losing your Pituitary Gland.
There is NO CURE - only treatment - for the slew of associated conditions, including:
- Adrenal Glands are non-functional; no Cortisol release (no stress hormone).
- There is no natural “fight or flight" response” to combat physical or emotional stress, injury or illness.
- Daily CORTISOL replacement is required
- Emergency cortisol injections (as needed) to FIGHT when the body is in failure (ie. even for minor things like the Flu, a broken arm, etc).
- If untreated, it will cause death.
- The body cannot hold on to salt & water naturally.
- This causes an electrolyte imbalance
- This further creates dangerous water intake (slamming a bunch of water), thus non-stop urination – creating life-threatening dehydration.
- Daily meds are required to mimic the hormone VASPORESSIN to replicate the body’s natural ability to hold/release salt & water.
- If untreated, it will cause death.
- Bones, muscles, organs and tissues won’t develop properly.
- Daily GROWTH HORMONE injection is required.
- Slows your metabolism
- Imbalance in insulin levels
- Makes you feel sluggish and sad!
- Daily meds are required to replicate THYROXINE & TRIIODOTHYRONINE a.k.a. T3/T4 levels.
This disorder is possibly the SADDEST of all because of the HEATLH, SOCIAL and BODY DYSMORPHIA ISSUES created by obesity.
- Cranio Survior's Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) drops to 25% once the damage is done to the hypothalamus TWENTY-FIVE PERCENT!
- You gain weight – uncontrollably and without fault - REGARDLESS of activity or diet.
- Risk of heart disease, joint issues, and the ability to be as active as others
- Creates Hyperinsulinemia, an issue where you have an unhealthy amount of insulin in the blood (this is not diabetes mellitus)
- There is NO TREATMENT for HYPOTHALIMC OBESITY, nor any “weight loss” drugs approved by the FDA for kids under 12 y/o.
Kids that suffer Craniopharyngioma's live as follows:
- There is NO childhood memory created that isn't somehow associated with this disease.
- There is NO true ability to replicate the body's natural response to ANYTHING. There is only treatment to mimic it to the "best" of your ability.
- NO day is ever the same.
- There is no guarantee you are tumor-free forever. Ever.
- There is NO end to MRIs
- There is NO end to blood-draws
- There is NO end to the hundreds of doctors appointments these kids will experience for the rest of their life.
- There are NO missing doses - because when you do - you feel terrible, or worse.
- There is NO waking up and running out the door w/o taking your medicine.
- There is NO leaving the house without a medical bag on your shoulder.
- There is NO watching your child fall asleep on the couch and letting them stay there till the morning - they MUST be woken up for their nighttime medication.
- There is NO going to school without an Emergency Plan
- There is NO end to blood-draws
- There is NO joining a sports team or going to a friend's house without having to explain EVERY aspect of your child's medical history in the hopes that someone gets it and understands - and then leave them not holding anyone responsible for taking life-saving measures if something happens.
Please, please, please consider DONTATING to the RAYMOND A. WOOD FOUNDATION – where your donation will help children and adults afflicted by a Craniopharyngioma brain tumor LIVE HAPPY, HEALTHY & ACTIVE lives!
Please visit for more information Raymond A. Wood Foundation for more information ( This is a 501(c)(3) organization.
With all of my love,
Renee Hrezo