Anne King-Hudson is fundraising

Save a life
You can make a difference by donating today to Recovery Advocates in Livingston Inc.
Recovery Advocates in Livingston Inc.(RAIL) Aligning resources to benefit people in recovery and rebuild lives.
Recovery Changes lives!
You can save a life by donating to Recovery Advocates in Livingston Inc. Recovery Advocates in Livingston Inc. (RAIL)
Rural communities face substantial barriers to services for substance use disorders. These include limited resources, transportation, fewer providers and facilities, and services provided to a wider geographic area less with appointments available. In addition, stigma on the part of healthcare providers who implicitly see a patient’s drug or alcohol problem as their own fault leads to substandard care or even to rejecting individuals seeking treatment.
According to the Livingston County Health Department:
● There were over 1,142 possible Substance Abuse Poisonings in 2022.
● During the pandemic, from March 2020 - December 2022 there were 416 probable substance poisonings (overdoses) in our county.
● During a similar time frame, we lost over 90 members of our community to overdose deaths.
● 23% of adults in Livingston County report themselves as binge drinkers.
Our Women's Recovery House offers a six-bed, Level-3 MARR certified residence for women in recovery.
Our RCO (Recovery Community Organization) provides drop-in support for individuals in recovery that are looking to increase their quality of life by engaging in recovery planning, resource allocation, and peer coaching. The RCO and Women's House are peer operated.
With these funds, RAIL will reduce the health disparity for substance use disorder in Livingston County through increasing access and engagement to substance use services for treatment, recovery and stabilization of lives in our communities.
In 2023 RAIL provided 1552 days of safe and drug free place to live to a multitude of women. Ninety percent of our residents at the RAIL’s women recovery house are homeless.
The RAIL RCO has provided over 1000 hours of direct services to clients seeking recovery support services to over 250 unique individuals in need.
RAIL provided free meeting room space for the eight recovery support groups that met a total of 189 times year to date, providing tangible support for some 1361 persons who attended recovery support groups and stayed sober.
A one time donation of $199.00 will buy one week of a safe place to eat, sleep and live at the recovery house for one woman.
Thank you for saving a life.
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4 supporters