New Batting Cages for Rhyne Park Softball
Thanks to some generous corporate donations, sponsorships, as well as individual donations by families over the past two seasons, new batting cages are coming to Rhyne Park! The Rhyne Park Board of Directors has received approval from Cobb County Parks and Recreation to build two new cages. Better Baseball has been contracted to complete this work and is due to break ground in early February. The work will conclude ahead of our Spring opener. These cages will be located by Field 1 in the open space by the large retaining wall. They are 55 ft x 14 ft each and will provide much needed space for hitting and pitching instruction/practice. This brings the park to 4 usable cages.
This project is a $28,743.46 investment directly into Rhyne Park and our community. $15,743.46 has been donated to this project already. The balance of $13,000 is due by the park. The park does have funds to cover this if needed, but we would have to cut into our supply & operating funds to do so. That is why we are here asking for help today.
Fundraising Goal: $13,000
Deadline: February 15th, 2022
Why Donate to this project?
This improvement will better the experience and opportunities for our athletes, your children. This is also an investment in the park itself. As a Board, our goal is to leave the park better than we found it and provide better opportunities for our kids. This is another step towards that goal.
Did you know?: Rhyne Park is a 501c3 nonprofit organization! Your donations are tax deductible.
Your generous donation towards this project will be recognized in 2022. Below outlines the planned recognition methods based on donation levels.
Gold Donor: Donations of $1,000 or more
This level receives recognition of your name/business on a permanent plaque near the cages.
Silver Donor: Donations of $500 to $999
This level receives recognition of your name/business on a banner to be installed at the park for the 2022 Spring and Fall seasons.
Bronze Donor: Donations $499 or less
This level receives recognition of your name/business on a webpage located on Rhyne Park's website for the 2022 Spring and Fall seasons.