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RiverStage Community Theatre

RiverStage Community Theatre seeks to provide a high-quality community theatre experience to our actors, crew and audiences alike....Mehr erfahren

Logo von RiverStage Community Theatre

Über RiverStage Community Theatre

RiverStage Community Theatre seeks to provide a high-quality community theatre experience to our actors, crew and audiences alike. Our goal will always be to bring together both professional and amateur talent of the area for the development and advancement of literary, artistic, musical and dramatic production.

325 N 10th St, Suite 400 #187Lewisburg, PA 17837








Performing Arts

RiverStage Community Theatre ist eine öffentliche Wohltätigkeitsorganisation mit dem Status 501(c)(3), EIN 20-1683244. Spenden sind steuerlich absetzbar. Ausgewählte Inhalte werden von GuideStar bereitgestellt.

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