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Robinson High School Band Boosters, Inc. logo

Robinson High School Band Boosters, Inc.

To promote the band programs of Robinson High School through cooperation among music students, band faculty, the school administra...Learn more

Robinson High School Band Boosters, Inc. logo

About Robinson High School Band Boosters, Inc.

To promote the band programs of Robinson High School through cooperation among music students, band faculty, the school administration, parents, guardians and the community. To provide financial and logistical assistance in an effort to meet band program needs not funded by the school or school district. To support the band programs as a whole and not for the direct personal enrichment of any single member of the Organization, regardless of membership status. To encourage, promote, and advance the goals of the Organization by improving and sustaining the esprit de corps; spirit, fellowship, and knowledge among its members and the surrounding community in a cooperative and ardent manner.

6311 S. Lois AvenueTampa, FL 33616

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Robinson High School Band Boosters, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 81-4462883. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.

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