Tian-Fang Jing Memorial Scholarship
To commemorate Jing’s extraordinary career and the wonderful friendships that we had, a memorial scholarship is being set up in Jing’s name with the Salvadori Center. The Center, a non-profit educational organization started by Mario Salvadori, aims to teach under-served middle school students about math, science and the built environment around them. Prior to starting the Center, Mario was a founding partner of our firm, an Architecture and Engineering professor at Columbia University, and an author of several Architectural Engineering books. Jing’s and Mario’s careers overlap by almost 15 years and as two zealous students of engineering, I’m sure they had many interesting conversations. It seems fitting to celebrate Jing’s life as a consummate student of engineering and mentor to many, by helping young students learn about math, science and the built environment. Both Jing and Mario would be proud. A GoFundMe page has been established to contribute to the Tian-Fang Jing Memorial Scholarship to the Salvadori Center.
More information about Salvadori Center: The mission of the Salvadori Center is to educate the next generation of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art/Architecture, and Math (STEAM) leaders! For more than 40 years, Salvadori has provided STEAM-based in-school residencies and after-school programs for tens of thousands of students. At the heart of Salvadori’s mission is the call to serve students from economically disadvantaged communities and to remove all obstacles to learning. We work in public schools, homeless shelters, and public housing community centers and help close the achievement gap by offering a hands-on STEAM curriculum that supports academic growth for all students - homeless, English language learners, recent immigrants, and those with developmental and emotional disabilities.