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San Diego Workforce Partnership, Inc. (Sdwp) logo

San Diego Workforce Partnership, Inc. (Sdwp)

OUR MISSION: To empower job seekers to meet the current and future workforce needs of employers in San Diego County. OUR VISION...Learn more

San Diego Workforce Partnership, Inc. (Sdwp) logo

About San Diego Workforce Partnership, Inc. (Sdwp)

OUR MISSION: To empower job seekers to meet the current and future workforce needs of employers in San Diego County. OUR VISION: Every business in our region has access to a skilled workforce and every job seeker has access to meaningful employment. Our community will view us as the leader for innovative workforce solutions, which add great value to our region.

9246 Lightwave Avenue, Suite 210San Diego, CA 92123





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Human Service Organizations

San Diego Workforce Partnership, Inc. (Sdwp) is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 33-0660504. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.

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