Mary Maxie Orbita-Chua is fundraising
Benedictine Medical Mission - Philippines
My name is Mary-Maxie Chua. In close coordination with the Diocese of Orange San Jose Filipino Ministry and Sister Mary John Mananzan, OSB, we are raising funds to help the residents of the 2nd district of Northern Samar, a small and very poor municipality. Sister Mary John founded and built St. Scholastica's Hospital with the help of alumni and sympathetic friends. Lack of funds continues to hamper medical services at the hospital as well as residents’ access to medical care. While the hospital management and supporters continue to find ways to support the hospital long-term, indigent residents urgently need health care now. Thus, our medical and dental mission is led by volunteers called "Friends of Pambujan”.
In the letter from Sister Amadea Donadilla, OSB, Hospital Administrator of St. Scholastica's Hospital, she wrote:
“Almost all of our patients are very poor and do not have a budget for their medical needs or are even hard up to meet their daily needs.
Northern Samar is economically a 4th class municipality in the Philippines. We are always hard hit by low-pressure systems and typhoons. So the poor with very simple housing structures are always repairing or rebuilding their houses. And they also get sick because of their poor living conditions. They need your help. We could not afford to spend on medicines and supplies for those in need.
Jesus went around preaching and healing, so let us continue His healing ministry, particularly to the poor and the sick in Pambujan and the neighboring towns in Northern Samar.”
We have medical doctors and dentists who would provide their services for free. But postoperative care, medical supplies, and medications among others, are also essential. We need funding to support our volunteers and their patients.
As “Friends of Pambujan”, we have scheduled a medical and dental mission on September 10-13, 2023, in the 2nd district of Northern Samar.
Please help us serve this community. Together we can make a difference!
Thank you in advance for your contribution to this noble cause.
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59 supporters