Please help the Sawtooth Association recover from the Bench Lake Fire and continue to provide Naturalist programs and the Redfish Webcam
The Bench Lakes wildfire began on Thursday, July 11th. It moved rapidly toward Redfish Lake, endangering the recreation facilities on the north end of the lake, including the Redfish Lake Visitor Center. The area was evacuated and closed to the public on July 12th. As of today, July 26th, the closure is still in effect.
The Visitor Center is operated by the Sawtooth Interpretive & Historical Association (SIHA). SIHA is a non-profit, member-based, organization dedicated to Preserving the Past advancing the future of the Sawtooth-Salmon River country through preservation and education. In 2023 the Center hosted 11,000 visitors, providing recreation information, trip planning assistance, and educational displays on the area’s natural and cultural features and history. Naturalists at the Center conducted 359 free interpretive programs, including Junior and Master Ranger programs for kids, guided walks, and evening programs for over 1,200 participants. SIHA’s Naturalists also provided information on Leave-No-Trace hiking and camping techniques, Wilderness ethics and rules, and campground and trail information to more than 7,000 visitors in campgrounds and at the SNRA’s busiest Wilderness trailheads. SIHA has continued to operate the Redfish Webcam that is located at the Visitor Center throughout the fire Closure, allowing the public to observe fire conditions at Redfish Lake in real time.
All these activities are funded primarily by the sale of trail and field guides, maps, and other educational books and materials at the Visitor Center. Since the closure of the center two weeks ago SIHA’s sales revenue is down more than $10,000 from a year ago.
SIHA is hopeful that the hard work of the firefighters will allow us to return to the Visitor Center soon. Please help SIHA to recover the income they have lost over the last weeks so they can continue to cover their operating expenses, Naturalist salaries, and the cost of operating the Redfish Webcam.