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Seabreeze Band Parents Association Inc

Instructors, students and parents working together in a positive and supportive manner to produce a musical and educational settin...Learn more

About Seabreeze Band Parents Association Inc

Instructors, students and parents working together in a positive and supportive manner to produce a musical and educational setting, where those involved find a sense of Esprit de corps, students learn to become leaders among their peers, leaders in their community and find the ability to bring life to the most honoring and wonderful gift of all...MUSIC.

2700 N Oleander AveDaytona Beach, FL 32118


Secondary education, Performing arts, Community and economic development, Human services



Tax ID


NTEE code

Secondary/High School

Seabreeze Band Parents Association Inc is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 59-6606898. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.

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