Southwest Shakespeare Fire Rebuild

Mercifully, no one was injured and our eternal thanks goes out to the Mesa Fire Department for their swift response.
23 years of materials and memories were lost. The following is a list of just a few of the thousands of dollars worth of items that were destroyed.

Hundreds of costumes and accessories from every century; everything from Anthony and Cleopatra to Blythe Spirit were lost.
Power tools, staple guns, screw drivers, power drills, electric saws, band saw, table saw, welding accessories and tank, ladders, stepstools, wrenches and hand tools, building materials, and rigging, lighting and sound systems.
Set pieces and props like books, glasses, tea sets, crowns, lamps, foliage, etc.,
All types of furniture: chaise lounges, love seats, sofas, chairs, benches, upholstered pieces, tables, cocktail tables, side tables, end tables...
Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated. Every cent will help us rebuild and come back stronger than ever this season.
We want to thank everyone who has expressed concern and reached out the hand of friendship during this unexpected tragedy.

Please continue to visit our website, swshakespeare.org for updates and find out about more ways you can help us rebuild.
Like a phoenix, SSC will rise bigger and better than ever! #shakespearerising

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