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Studebaker National Museum, Inc.

Our Mission is to be a center for the interpretation of history, design, and innovation that connects and inspires the community a...Learn more

Studebaker National Museum, Inc. logo

About Studebaker National Museum, Inc.

Our Mission is to be a center for the interpretation of history, design, and innovation that connects and inspires the community and enthusiasts around the world. This is accomplished through programming, active collecting, and the display of vehicles, archival materials, and artifacts that showcase the local and global influence of Studebaker and related industrial innovators.

201 S. Chapin St.South Bend, IN 46601





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Museum & Museum Activities

Studebaker National Museum, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 35-1555535. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.

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