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STXBP1 Foundation (STXBP1 Disorders) logo

STXBP1 Foundation (STXBP1 Disorders)

We are dedicated to raising awareness of STXBP1 Encephalopathy (a rare genetic epilepsy) among parents, physicians, scientists, an...Learn more

STXBP1 Foundation (STXBP1 Disorders) logo

About STXBP1 Foundation (STXBP1 Disorders)

We are dedicated to raising awareness of STXBP1 Encephalopathy (a rare genetic epilepsy) among parents, physicians, scientists, and pharmaceutical innovators. In support, STXBP1 Disorders ( STXBP1 Foundation) was created by a group of dedicated parents. This Not-for-Profit is focused on advocacy, driving research, and providing our families and their physicians with information and resources.

308 Victory Falls DriveApex, NC 27539


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Specifically Named Diseases

STXBP1 Foundation (STXBP1 Disorders) is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 82-1439459. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.

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