Philip Tirone is fundraising

Fr. Tony Okolo's Uvuru Hospital, 2024 Update
Uvuru is one of the sixteen (16) rural towns in Uzo-Uwani, Nigeria. It is made up of ten villages, with about 50,000 people living in the neighboring towns of Nkpologu, Nimbo, Akpugo, Ifite-Ogwari, Adani, and Ukpata.
Overview of Uvuru
Uvuru lacks basic amenities and infrastructure, limited roads, only two wells for clean water, limited electricity, and no place to help the sick. Because of the lack of any hospital nor any health facilities, infections spread, and premature death is rampant.
Unfortunately, the government does not help rural communities, which is why they depend on charity from individuals and groups.
More information about Sunrise For Rural Dwellers Inc.: Helping fund infrastructure, healthcare, and educational projects in rural communities in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Uvuru Hospital Project
Hospitals are one of the essential pillars of any society. However, none exist in this town nor within 50 miles.
On many occasions, workers in their jobs must stop what they are doing to take patients to a missionary hospital in Nsukka, which is over 40 miles away. Due to the lack of paved roads, this 40-mile drive can take up to two hours, depending on the weather. On many occasions, the patients died in the car as they are being transported to Nsukka.
Building a hospital to serve the 50,000 people in this community would save lives and bring hope to the towns that are impacted by premature death on a regular bais.
The Uvuru Hospital Project (working name) has already been gifted seven acres of land. The Uvuru Town Counsel has formally agreed that once the Uvuru Hospital is built, they will fund the care and ongoing maintenance of the facility.
Based on the current needs of the 50,000 residence, the Uvuru Hospital will serve about 3,000 people per month or 36,000 per year.
Hundreds and possibly thousands of lives will be saved each year because of the access to healthcare.
Cost of the Uvuru Hospital Project
Land (7 acres): $50,000 (DONATED)
Construction of Clean Water Hold and Generator: $43,000
Foundation and Leveling: $73,000
Structure: $24,000
Roofing, Electrical, Plumbing Flooring, Painting: $46,000
Medical Equipment and Furniture: $51,000
Fencing and Security: $20,000
Doctors Quarters (for visiting Doctors) $74,000
Total $381,000
Due to COVID and various supply chain issues, our costs have increased by about 17%. Our new budget is $446,000, so we have updated our GoFundMe.
Yearly Prayer Intentions: Each year Fr. Tony Okolo will be celebrating a mass for the hospital while in Nigeria, and your family prayer intentions will be lifted up.
Good news! We have applied for #SmallBusinessRelief via GoFundMe. Fingers crossed we get approved.
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37 supporters