TC Jacks/MN GLBT Soccer
TC Jacks FC's mission to use sport as a vehicle for positive change, provide public awareness, educational programming and tools, ...Learn more
About TC Jacks/MN GLBT Soccer
TC Jacks FC's mission to use sport as a vehicle for positive change, provide public awareness, educational programming and tools, and utilize the opportunity to play soccer to foster a more inclusive sports community. We mobilize TC Jacks to foster “allyship” and inclusion of others in their everyday and athletic endeavors.
3951 Emerson Ave NMinneapolis, MN 55412
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European football
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Soccer Clubs/Leagues
TC Jacks/MN GLBT Soccer is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 46-1472525. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.