Stephen Janes is fundraising

Help Stephen Reopen The Bicycle Thrift Shop
Weds 10/30. My emotions are all over the place. I’m not accustomed to being the victim. I’m usually the one jumping in head first to help. I’ve been spending time fixing trailers, cleaning parts, working on bikes and looking at potential retail spaces. It’s difficult, because most spaces that would work are under repair from the storm. So, it’s a waiting game. Thanks for your continued support. It means more than you know!! On the bright side, my good friend Kevin (Motion Makers) with some industry insider help was able to secure this amazing complete tool kit to help me get back on track.

Friday 10/11. I’ve been making phone calls and reaching out to landlords, looking for the right space to move into. This afternoon I started taking one trailer apart so I can make repairs. This is a whole lot harder than I thought it would be. One day at a time. Thanks for the support!

Update: I still have not been able to access the shop. A neighbor sent some pics. Hopefully I can get there and start to salvage some things before they get pilfered.

Hey. This is Stephen, founder and director of The Bicycle Thrift Shop. 13 years ago I started this program on hopes and dreams. With help from WNC and beyond, the dream became reality. I am very sad to relay that the shop building and everything in it was washed away by the flooding caused by Hurricane Helene.
I’m back to the hoping and dreaming stage and would love to reopen the shop; somewhere, somehow.
In the meantime, please consider helping out financially. Thanks for your time.
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67 supporters