The Big Purple Barn, Inc
1. Provide quality, life-long comfort and care for horses/ponies and small farm animals who are unwanted/neglected and/or have spe...Learn more
About The Big Purple Barn, Inc
1. Provide quality, life-long comfort and care for horses/ponies and small farm animals who are unwanted/neglected and/or have special needs making them less adoptable to the general public. 2. Develop and offer outreach programs utilizing our resident animals that provide enriching and life changing opportunities for people of under served populations who might not otherwise have the chance to experience the healing and transformative power of animals. 3. Create a safe, supportive, educational environment for humans and animals alike.
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Animal welfare
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Animal Protection and Welfare (includes Humane Societies and SPCAs)
The Big Purple Barn, Inc is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 45-5022618. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.
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