The current crisis in Afghanistan has had a devastating impact on every sector of society. The Chopra Foundation is asking for your help to send emergency relief to artisans and their families in Afghanistan.
100% of the funds raised through this GoFundMe, will go towards supporting Zarif Design, a social enterprise based in Kabul, that empowers Afghan weavers, embroiderers, and tailors towards economic sustainability through their use of traditional skills and materials.
Watch the full conversation here: Afghan Artisan's Emergency Relief Conversation: Deepak Chopra, MD | Zolaykha Sherzad | Rina Amiri | Gabriella Wright:
Zarif’s workshops create a safe environment where women and men work side by side. The group of dedicated artisans have used their talents to promote the beauty and positive image of a country usually depicted for its violence and misery. Thus, dignity, confidence, and cultural identity thrive.
Zarif persisted through 15 years of conflicts and instability. As a social enterprise, it has never missed a month of payment for its team. Social and cultural goals were met by organizing events and sales, both locally and internationally, with the generous support of volunteers.
It’s time for us to connect with each other, locally and globally. We hope you can join us and support Zarif, a company that combines both art and culture in their clothing, a design studio that has consistently produced a positive message out of a troubled part of the world.
Your support enables us to shape a positive future together and keep our talented team of artisans out of poverty. Allow these hardworking women and men a chance to keep honing their craft and furthering their message of hope and health in these difficult times.
For more information about Zarif Design, please click this link to view their website.