Freddy Jackson is fundraising
A New Love No Ego Van Fundraiser
Donate via GofundMe or at LNE Website
It's time for a new LNE Ride! Do you enjoy seeing the Love...No Ego Van around town? See us out and about working with the youth and empowering them to be their best selves? Or how about grabbing some of our free LNE Stickers off of the back of the van?
Well, please consider helping us to keep this positive energy vibrating throughout our city! Yes, it's time for a new LNE Ride! We are planning to purchase a new passenger van, have it professionally wrapped by our partners and friends over at Performance Signs of Ruckersville, and continue this impactful work and overall mission of Love...No Ego!
Your donation is tax-deductible! So share this with your friends, colleagues, and partners! We are dedicated to helping the youth, ages 10-24, show up every day as their best selves!
Thank You!
Team LNE.
The Love No Ego Foundation provides positive development for youth and young adults ages 10-24, helping them to overcome challenges, live with purpose, and go beyond fears and daily pressures, helping them to develop a foundation within that is not easily shaken by the egotistical world.
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1 supporter