Free Programs at The Mark Twain House
- Mark Twain, "Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc"

Free programs at The Mark Twain House & Museum have become a staple of our community offerings. While these programs are free to YOU, they still cost money to put on: keeping the lights on so we can see, keeping buildings and parking lots safe, the air conditioning or heat going. Many of our performers, lecturers and guest artists generously donate or discount their feesbut there are often still costs associated with travel or set-up.
Unfortunately, we recently lost our corporate sponsor! We are working to secure a new sponsor for 2015, but we need to make sure we can pay for this year's programs. We would never back out on a promise to our community, which is why we need your help. Please give whatever you can in order to help us continue to provide free, fun, and important programs for you and your neighbors. If you can't give (and even if you can and do) please share this on Facebook!
Our Free Programs include (but are not limited to!):

Tom Sawyer Day: An event that the little scamp would approve of! This annual event is a day full of free, fun activities and performances for all. Hundreds of people come and enjoy games, arts & crafts, magic shows, animals, dance, music and more.

Ice Cream Social: Free ice cream sundaes (obviously!), live music, lawn games and more fun to cool off from the summer heat. Join us on July 24th this year!

The Trouble Begins at 5:30: Monthly lecture series (okay, we take January and August off) featuring experts on Twain-related subjects including his work and times. Perfect for life-long learners!

Other Programs: Sometimes, we just bring you an additional theatrical or musical performance, or something else that's a little fun and crazy...because we like you. This can be anything from Shakespeare on our lawn, a lecture, author signing or something entirely unique! If we have the means to do it, we'll do it!
As Twain said:
The lack of money is the root of all evil.
- More Maxims of Mark, Johnson, 1927
Thank you for your support of these special and FUN programs--we hope to see you soon!
Please be sure to provide your address so we can send you an acknowledgment letter for your tax purposes.
Questions? Email [email redacted]
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