Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity (Pike) at San Diego State University started this fund in honor of our brother Austin Lemak. In his honor, Pike is raising money for the awareness of oral cancer, and donating all proceeds from this fund and our events to the Oral Cancer Foundation.

In early 2018, our brother Austin Lemak was diagnosed with oral cancer. Squamous Cell Carcinoma to be exact. Though it has been a struggle, Lemak is nearing the end of his battle. Known as our chapter handyman, Lemak could build just about anything. One of the hardest workers we know, Austin poured his heart into his fraternity and his work, asking for nothing in return. His memory will last forever through his additions to our fraternity house and the skills he passed down to other brothers. The chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha wants to show Austin and his family what brotherhood really means, and that we've got his back. His memory will live on in our hearts as we fund the fight against Oral Cancer and support those who are struggling just like our beloved brother is.
In Honor of our Brother Austin Lemak

More information about Oral Cancer Foundation (Ocf):
The Oral Cancer Foundation's missions are rooted in science. OCF funds life-saving research and work that elucidates mechanisms for early discovery and furthers disease understanding. We provide direct peer to peer support for oral cancer patients and their caregivers. We disseminate vetted professional and public information on oral and oropharyngeal cancer, and work as advocates for national policies that facilitate disease awareness, early discovery, and improve treatments and their outcomes. Our foundation's missions are changing patient's lives today, and altering outcomes in the future. Our core mission is to reduce the incidence of oral and oropharyngeal cancers in the US population, and support those who are currently or have been, impacted by the disease. We do so through the following mechanisms. We provide the most current and vetted scientific information about the disease in a central location, the OCF web site which has hundreds of pages of regularly reviewed pages on the disease, treatments, research, and much more. This information can be accessed free of charge by anyone, and our site is regularly used by patients, students, doctors, researchers, and the general public interested in the disease. An informed public is able to avoid risk factors for disease development, and recognize early signs and symptoms that will facilitate early diagnosis and treatment. The foundation is the home of the world's largest patient support group for this disease. Located online, it currently has about 11,000 registered members (2016). Carefully monitored for content and appropriateness of the information exchanged, it is an environment which is free to those who use it, and also allows them to interact with each other and the professionals that monitor it in an anonymous manner. OCF is a direct funder of research efforts related to oral and oropharyngeal cancers in the US. We specifically underwrite and co-contribute with the NCI and others to work that