SacState Sustainability is fundraising
Replace Our Students' Stolen Tools
Sac State's Bioconversion and Agricultural Collaborative (BAC Yard) is a vital learning center for the University. It's the place where students from all over the Sacramento region come to learn about composting, gardening, bee-keeping, and more! The compost generated here goes to local schools, churches, and organic farms to help grow produce. The produce grown here helps to feed many Sac State students struggling with food insecurities while working their way through college. It's a living lab where students can get their hands dirty while learning about composting and the Farm to Fork movement. It's a place of enjoyment for local school children--kindergarten through college. Recently, our storage shed was broken into and many of our tools where stolen making it difficult for students to work on projects. Through your generosity, we hope to use your donations to replace some of the stolen items such as: power tools, shade tents, solar panel invertor, electrical cords, a hydroponic pump, and a tool chest. All of these were essential to completing student projects and the mission of the BAC Yard.
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20 supporters