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The Yunion, Inc.

The Yunion's mission is to counter negative cultural influences that misdirect the lives of youth by raising awareness and strengt...Mehr erfahren

Logo von The Yunion, Inc.

Über The Yunion, Inc.

The Yunion's mission is to counter negative cultural influences that misdirect the lives of youth by raising awareness and strengthening families through innovative prevention programming, education, parental engagement, mentoring, and counseling. The Yunion serves youth throughout the Metropolitan Detroit area.

1129 Oakman Blvd.Detroit, MI 48238


Youth organizing, Economics for youth, Youth mentoring






Youth Development Programs

The Yunion, Inc. ist eine öffentliche Wohltätigkeitsorganisation mit dem Status 501(c)(3), EIN 30-0292775. Spenden sind steuerlich absetzbar. Ausgewählte Inhalte werden von GuideStar bereitgestellt.

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