Hello! Please help me get this sad, tired guy the help he desperately needs. He’s been roaming the streets of Houston, TX with an injured leg (likely from being hit by a car) for some months now, essentially begging for human help to not much avail. He is so tired, he would lay in the street like he had just given up the fight. However, enough people on Facebook saw his story circulating, and he has since been taken off the streets effective this very night. He’s currently with a temporary rescue until he completes intake with Three Little Pitties Rescue in Friendswood, Texas and a foster is secured. This guy is going to need a lot of commitment from his foster, myself as his medical appointments transporter and of course he needs fundraising. He will likely require orthopedic surgery, so I need to raise at least $3,000.00 to cover his expected medical costs. The funds will not go to me. They will go directly to Three Little Pitties for his medical care. A lot of folks around the country saw his story and were pledging donations for us to just get him off the street. Well folks, we did it. Now, we need your help. Want to join me in making a difference in this guy’s life? Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me.
More information about Three Little Pitties Rescue: Three Little Pitties Rescue is a dog and cat rescue based in the Houston area, saving approx 4,000 animals per year. We save animals who may otherwise not have a chance at life, then fully vet them and match them with loving forever families. We are passionate about the bully breed, but help all breeds, and as many as we are able.