Paige Roth is fundraising

Save Our Ponds: Silver Lake, Alamoosook Lake, & Toddy Pond
The Department of Environmental Protection has accepted Bucksport Mill LLC's petition to relinquish ownership of the Silver Lake, Alamoosook Lake, and Toddy Pond dams.
Bucksport Mill LLC was created by Canadian corporation American Iron & Metal (AIM) that purchased VERSO paper mill for salvage rights along with the three dams in question.
Now that AIM has extracted all possible resources from the mill site, they are looking to find new owners to take responsibility for repairing, improving, and maintaining the dams.
If new dam owners aren’t found, all three lakes risk losing their water. Without the current dams in place, the lakes could lose 8 feet of water, moving the shoreline 400+/- feet away from the current levels.
Five affected towns are working to ensure the future of the three dams that Bucksport Mill LLC plans to relinquish if an owner is not found. The work to find a permanent solution to dam ownership will involve considerable legal expense for all towns involved.
Any donations will go towards future legal fees incurred by one of the towns. These towns are Bucksport, Orland, Penobscot, Surry and Blue Hill.
If you care about the future of these beloved lakes, please donate through Save Our Ponds!
Learn more:
WCSH News Center Maine story from 11/18/24
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30 supporters