Dicey Langston Statue Project
To erect a permanent bronze statue honoring a female Revolutionary War patriot and hometown hero from Travelers Rest, SC.
Who Is Dicey Langston?
About 200 years ago, a young girl was about 15 years old at the
time. She was born near what is now Clinton and moved to Travelers Rest where she lived a long life and raised 22 children. She died and was buried in Travelers Rest. This young girl made the difficult decision to risk her life for a cause in which she believed, our nation’s freedom.
She was a hero who operated as a spy during the American Revolution. Her contributions were key in saving many Patriot lives and her acts of heroism are well documented in historical records. She was such a young girl when she performed her acts of heroism and helped to shape the outcome of the revolution in our neck of the woods.
Why do we need a monument to honor Dicey?
She is a hero! Her acts of bravery are credited with saving countless lives and changing the course of the war. It is urgent that we tell the stories of this amazing patriot and young girl.
Our children need to see these Patriot women as the heroes that they are. Our children, especially young girls, deserve to have a role model that looks like they do. She was young and petite. She was a
daughter and a sister. She was Laodicea “Dicey” Langston, American Patriot! Her story deserves to be told.
What will this monument look like and where will it be?
A life-sized, bronze statue of Dicey will be placed along Main Street in Travelers Rest.
It is our hope that visitors will see this monument, read her story and
be as inspired about this incredible young woman.
This project will be funded through public/private partnerships and donations from donors who dream of seeing Dicey forever memorialized. We welcome your support in any amount. But are confident with the number of Dicey Descendants that if each descendant gave $35 we'd be able to fully fund this project!
Tax Deductible Donations can also be made directly to: (Please note on payment "Dicey Langston Statue Fund"
City of Travelers Rest 125 Trailblazer Drive, Travelers Rest, SC 29690
Are you a Dicey Langston Descendent?
Dicey's generational roots run deep in the Travelers Rest and surrounding areas. If you are a Dicey descendent, we would like to personally challenge you to give at least $35.00. If every descendent accepted this challenge, we could fund this project!
We would also welcome you to contact us and let us tell you more about this amazing young woman and this project to honor her for years to come. www.diceylangstonproject.com
This is an exciting project being undertaken by the City of Travelers
Rest, SC and endorsed by the Travelers Rest Historical Society and supported by Greeenville County Council.
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