(Including donations outside of GoFundMe, we have raised over $100,000. We've amended our goal on this site to reflect what we hope for in remaining online giving.)
Poised to vacate our longtime home on a third-floor walk-up in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, we recently signed a 10-year lease for the organization's new site. Triskelion Arts will lead the charge as the first institution focused on the presentation of dance and theater in the Greenpoint area. The facility, slated to open in June, is a freestanding, two-story construction that will boast a large ground-floor theater that can also be used for rehearsal. It will also feature three dance studios on the second floor (one of which can be used as an informal showing space.) Improvements include increased audience capacity, higher ceilings, more restrooms, outdoor spaces, and wheelchair accessibility. This street-level location will provide heightened public visibility, benefiting the hundreds of artists presented in our theaters each year. Additionally, we'll have organizational autonomy in this unshared building as the only tenant on the property. Located at the corner of Calyer and Banker Streets, on a charming stretch of this up-and-coming neighborhood, the facility is just a few blocks from the waterfront and the G train.
The total cost to open the new Triskelion Arts is expected to ring up at approximately $500,000. While this is certainly a very large number for us, it is just a fraction of what many projects of similar scope might cost. But the best news of all is that we have already raised close to half of the funds needed through earned income, keen foresight, and informed negotiation.
With our lease in place, the plans drawn and contractors beginning work, the time has come that we must ask for YOUR help to raise the remaining $250,000 by summer's end.

Our growth over the last 14 years is proof of the power in numbers! Small gifts from the thousands of individuals we serve will see us through this transition. Without these generous and greatly appreciated contributions, we cannot succeed. If Triskelion has provided a positive experience for you as a studio renter, an audience member, a participant in our shows or festivals, a student or a teacher, please become a part of this exciting project. Our home is your home! If our spaces have ever played a role in your creative development or practice, please consider an investment in Triskelion's future. No amount is too small or too large!
For more information about The Big Move, please see triskelionarts.org/thebigmove or visit triskelionarts.org for more information about our programs.
Thank you very much for your support dear GoFundMe donors!
Special thanks to the following Capital Campaign supporters who have donated outside of GoFundMe's site and to Triskelion's founding members, KICK STAND DANCE (Cary Baker, Anna Luckey, Sonya Robbins, Layla Childs and Abby Bender):
(Alex)andra Taylor Dance, Adam Walko, Aidan Feldman, Aimee Plauche, Alex Springer and Xan Burley, Alexis Iammarino & Scott Sell, Alicia Leven, Amber Feig, Amy Chavasse, Amy and Moses Villarama, Ann Harris, Ann Pattan, Ann Seregi, Anna Selver-Kassell, Annie and Ed Mahoney, April Chapple, ARK Advent, Audrey Crabtree, Barbara McGehan, Becca Frank, Betsy Smith, Brian Thompson, Britton Fisher, Burton Kassell, Cara Buckley, Carl & Regina Hillman, Cassie Tunick, Charmian Wells, Chad Hamilton & Lais Williams, Chelsea Movements, Inc., Christa G. Percopo, Christopher Goss, Cliff & Nancy Schmidt, The Collingham Family, Connie and George Ganss, Courtney Acomb, Cree Nevins, Crooked Mouth, Dandelion Wine, Daria Keynan, Dave Ratzlow, David and Kim Schulman, Deborah Schwartz, Deborah D. Shapiro, Denise Carr, Devin & Katie Maxwell in honor of June & Roscoe Maxwell, Dierdra McDowell, Dixie D. Goss, Don & Lillian Colavecchio, Don Dilego, Donna and Jerry Bender, Doris Cramer, Douglas Elliman Real Estate, Ed Jewett, Einsenkraft CPA & Consulting, Elisa Bluming, Elizabeth Bender, Eva Perrotta, Felice Kirby, Gaby Luft, Gifford Williams, Hayden Hard, Heather Harpham, Heather Seagraves, Hiram Pines, Iris Jacobs, Ishah Janssen-Faith, Jack Whitesearver, Jacqueline Davis, James & Elissa Richman, Jamie Graham, Janet Kenney, JC Cassis, Jessica & Eric Farrar, Jessica Gaynor, Jessica & Tom Rosenbloom and family, John & Hillary Noyes Keene, Jon Resnik, Jordan and Patrick Tully, Julia & Steve Goldberg, Kaley Pruitt, Karen Bdera, Karen Bernard, Karen & Frank Pasquorella, Karesia Batan, Kate Bishop, Kate Taylor, Kathy & Bill Costanza, Kathy Wasik, Kay Murray, Kay Turner, Kelly Wines Freishtat & Scott Freishtat, Kenny & Jan Musen, the Kirn-Azzollini family, Kirsten Rice, Laura Ibanez, Larry & Elaine Goss, Laurie & Rick Dickerson, Lewis Canfield, Luke Bergamini, Lyz Merida, Marc McGehan, Maria & Pablo Molina, Marisa Wallin, Mark Sallinger, Mark Schmidt, Marnie Goodman (as well as via the Aetna Foundation, Inc), Mary & Ed Taylor, Max and Melisa Maur, Megan Demarkis & Aaron Lutz-Kinoy, Melissa Ainley, Michael and Kathi Schulman, Mike Allen, Mike Candan & Lani Ting, Morwin Schmookler, Muriel Louis, Nancy Bartholemew, Naomi Goldberg Haas, Natasha Simon, Nicole Philippidis, Nick Burry, Northside Media Group, Paul Balga, Paula and Jeffrey Gaynor, Peter Kyle, Phyllis Lamhut, Rachel Cohen, Rachel Resnik & Dan Brem, Remy Guidry, Renate Lunn and Josh Lerner in honor of Miro Lerner, Renee and Sy Flug, Richard Burbridge, Robb Prchal, robbinschilds, Robert Honeywell & Moira Stone, Robert Small, Roberta Platt, Roberta Selcuker, Roger D. Mitchell Ed. D, S. Grunfeld, Sara Juli & Chris Ajemian, Shannon Piercy-Alvarez, Stefanie Nelson, Stephanie & Randy Pierce, Stephen & Carol Shapiro, Steve Kenney in honor of Kim and Andrea Goss, Steven Thrasher, Susan & David Millen, Susan & Henry Salzhauer, Susan & Jimmy Millen, Susan & John Arsenault Susan Webber, Suzanna Nickerson, Sydney Maresca, Tami Stronach, Teresa Cuevas, Terri and Jon Radway, The Moore Family, Todd Henry, Ursula Murphy, Vangeline Theater, Vern & Karen Mizushima, Vineyard Bellydance & Revue, Vivian Cardia, Wayne & Kathleen Moynahan, Wendy and Tom Byrne, What's Written Within, Whitney Jacobs, Yasmine Mahdavi, Zoe Schieber