TACAM-Ataturk Park
The purpose of the funding request is to build an ATATÜRK Park, second park designated to the founder of modern Turkey in entire US, at the property of Turkish American Cultural Association of Michigan (TACAM) in Wixom, Michigan.
All over the world,there are several designated areas named after Atatürk. But this project when completed will be the largest park in the world outside Turkey.
TACAM which is a non-profit, public charity organization established in 1972 follows the philosophy of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, founder of the Turkish Republic, who stated: “Culture is the foundation of the Turkish Republic.”
The purpose of TACAM is to foster, promote, plan and execute programs aimed at improving the economic, social, educational, general welfare and other humanitarian activities of the Turkish community in the State of Michigan and elsewhere. TACAM currently owns a 6.7 acre property which was purchased back in 1981. The purchase was made possible with the donations from the Turkish Michiganders at that time. Towards the back side of the property, approximately 3.6 acres, has not been utilized since the purchase, and currently has many fallen trees, leaves, and untrimmed bushes. However, TACAM board of directors believe that this un-utilized part of the lot has a great potential to be a public park with running paths, rest and display areas. Once the park has recreated, it will be named after Atatürk and will be a great display area to introduce him and his principles to the public both Americans and new generations of Turkish descent.
The donations will be used to pay the cost of;
1-The 3.6 acre land clean-up which will include the removal of small trees and bushes, removal of dead and down trees, as well as removal of all small trees under 5 inches and debris,
2- Hauling-away wood and wood chips to provide sufficient mulch to the designated areas to create a walking/running path,
3- Atatürk bust and base, and display units.
Name of all donors will be displayed properly.
Thank you very much for your contributions in advance!
Michigan Türk-Amerikan Kültür Derneği (TACAM), Michigan eyaletinde, Cumhuriyetimizin kurucusu Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ün adıyla bir park açılması için kampanya başlatmıştır. Proje TACAM'a ait olan 14.5 dönümlük araziyi park yapmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bittiğinde Türkiye dışındaki ATATURK'un adının verildiği en büyük park olacaktır.
Toplanan para 14.5 dönümlük alanın temizlenmesi, patika yol yapımı, Atatürk büstü ve tanıtım panolarının hazırlanması için kullanılacaktır.
Tüm bağış yapanların adının olduğu bir pano da park girişine yerleştirilecektir.
Şimdiden destek veren herkese çok teşekkur ederiz.
TACAM 2018