Cari Haus is fundraising

Support Food Security: Fund Greenhouse Repairs
The snow will be flying in Michigan soon and we're trying to save the greenhouse roof! Last year we raised more than $25K to boost food production in our local area by putting a dormant 1-acre greenhouse back into production. Thanks to the generosity of many donors, we were able to do many repairs and replace half the plastic.
To avoid damage this winter, the second half of the plastic really needs to be replaced. The plastic is already ordered and paid for and the installation is scheduled, but we need to raise funds to cover the cost of the installation. The bid we have is for $5400 and we have $500 on hand for the task.
This is a worthy project that can really help reduce food insecurity in mid-Michigan. Already this summer the green house has been supplying free food to Daniel's Kitchen (a local pay-what-you-will eatery that serves healthy meals to anyone regardless of ability to pay). In addition, a wonderful crop of tomatoes, cucumbers, kale, carrots, beets, was grown chemical and pesticide-free, harvested, and shared at reasonable cost. (If you'd like to enjoy some of the greenhouse's fresh produce, come see us each Monday through Thursday from 2:00 to 4:30 p.m.)
$5,000 will pay for the needed installation of plastic, and if more is raised, we will repair the sides, buy row covers, and/or purchase additional topsoil. Other than a paid farm manager, this is a volunteer operation and many hours have been put into bringing it back to life. There is still work to do, but things look incredible compared to where they were just one year ago. Please help push this project over the top by helping to get the plastic installed before the snow flies! Your donation is tax deductible and will be greatly appreciated!

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10 supporters