Upcycled Life Inc is a non profit corporation formed with the mission of opening transgender specific sober living residences foc...Learn more
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Upcycled Life Inc is a non profit corporation formed with the mission of opening transgender specific sober living residences focused on providing a highly structured year long program based on abstinence, 12-step recovery and behavioral peer support. The creation of lasting change will be brought about by residents taking responsibility for their recovery through action and accountability.
Transitional mental health services, Substance abuse treatment, LGBTQ rights, Diversity and intergroup relations, Housing for people with disabilities, Substance abuse prevention, Community mental health care, Transitional living
Alcohol, Drug Abuse (Treatment Only)
Upcycled Life Inc is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 84-4167624. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.