Gail Williams is fundraising
Support Vero Beach Little League 10U All Star Team
Vero Beach Little League 10U All Star Team just won State Championship- a feat that has not been accomplished since 1998. The team played 8 straight days to win the District 17 Championship, a doubleheader to win Sectionals, then 4 games in 3 days to win State. Now they are o headed to the SE Region Tournament of Champions in Wilson, North Carolina on July 19 where they will compete with 7 other teams.
Vero Beach Little League is funded only by private donations and sponsors. It operates with support from parents, family and volunteers.
The SE Region Tournament of Champions is a 6 day event and will be very costly. We want all the families and players to enjoy this journey and not have to worry about the extra travel expense - gas, hotels, food will be about 1500 per player and there are 12 players.
We are counting on this great Vero Beach community to rally together and support this Vero Beach Little League All Star Team !!
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78 supporters