Lincoln Elementary is fundraising

Replenish Vandalized Teacher and Staff Supplies
On the weekend of July 9, 2022, a group broke into Lincoln Elementary School in Richmond, California and did their best to destroy the beautiful school. They found metal baseball bats, destroying windows and wrecking anything in their path, including school computers and furniture. Unfortunately, teachers and staff cleaned out classrooms before the summer break, so there were stacks and stacks of supplies for students in the hallway that were destroyed. Our teachers and staff spend their own money on many of these supplies, thousands of dollars lost over just one night.
With school opening just a few weeks away on August 16, we are asking for the community’s support for our teachers and staff. Will you make a donation to help Lincoln teachers and staff purchase much-needed supplies for students?
Donate now and double your donation! The West Contra Costa Public Education Fund is matching all donations up to $5,000.
Any amount you can donate – even $5 – will show your support for Lincoln’s hardworking teachers and staff, and go a long way towards helping the school return to normal as much as possible.
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314 supporters