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Women Of Dominion International Inc (Wod) logo

Women Of Dominion International Inc (Wod)

Our Mission is to spiritually and socially empower and equip women in Diaspora to direct their God-given talents, skills, time, an...Learn more

Women Of Dominion International Inc (Wod) logo

About Women Of Dominion International Inc (Wod)

Our Mission is to spiritually and socially empower and equip women in Diaspora to direct their God-given talents, skills, time, and finances in projects that focus on helping 3 of the marginalized forgotten populations in Zimbabwe. In doing that we believe in sustainable practices: People Living with Albinism, a disorder characterized by a complete or partial absence of pigment (melanin) in the skin, hair and eyes Grandmothers in the rural area are left to raise grandchildren due to their children dying of HIV/AIDS. They lack resources to take care of their grandchildren. School Children In difficult-to-reach and not-served remote rural areas who walk miles barefooted to school and take their lessons under trees, and lack schools supplies and personal hygiene items. Genesis 1:28

3974 Georgetown Rd Suite #FIndianapolis, IN 46234


Christianity, Health, Human services



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Human Services - Multipurpose and Other N.E.C.

Women Of Dominion International Inc (Wod) is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 46-4213688. Donations are tax-deductible. Select content is provided by GuideStar.

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