WLA Restoration Committee is fundraising
Togus Pond Restoration Project
We need your help to restore Togus Pond!
All of us who enjoy Togus Pond do so because of our love of the pond and the natural beauty it provides for the entire community. The pond needs our help and it is our responsibility to take care of it and the wildlife it supports. Togus Pond is on the Maine Impaired Lakes Priority List and we want to change that!
The Worromontogus Lake Association (WLA) has been in existence for over 80 years working to protect and preserve our beautiful lake. For many years algae blooms have plagued residents and visitors to Togus Pond, causing pea soup conditions and raising concerns about toxicity levels in the water in late summer. After an extensive watershed survey, it was determined that an Alum Treatment would be the best way to address the annual algae blooms occurring on the lake. We successfully raised $400,000 for the 1st Alum Treatment which was done in April 2024!! We had great results but still need to do the 2nd treatment to make it more effective. We hope to do this in the spring of 2026 after we have raised the additional funds.
This is a safe and effective treatment for the lake but the cost is high, $800,000. Residents on the lake have stepped up to make large contributions but we need additional help to make this a success! We are reaching out to friends, family, businesses and members of the community to come together and help us reach this goal. We're about halfway there!
Please help us by making a contribution today!
If you prefer to pay by check and save us the processing fee make checks payable to WLA Restoration Fund and mail to:
WLA, PO Box 2582, Augusta, ME 04338
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32 supporters