Children of The 58
Children of the 58 - Loved and Never Forgotten Fund is a fund established to provide college
and trade school scholarships to the surviving children ages 21 and younger of the 58 people
killed on 1 October, 2017 in the Las Vegas mass shooting.
The fund is created by the family of Las Vegan Neysa Tonks, a successful technology
professional and single mother of three sons who lost her life in this senseless tragedy. Neysa’s
parents, Chris and Debbie Davis, and sister, Mynda Smith, have joined to establish the fund as
a lasting legacy to Neysa, who did not attend college herself, and was passionate about
ensuring her children studied hard, got good grades and put college in their plans. The family
believes that inspiring the Children of the 58 to pursue higher education is a way for these
children to honor their deceased parents and help them as they transition to adulthood and
prepare for a career. Without this fund, some of these children may not have the ability to
further their education after high school at all. For her family, this fund keeps Neysa’s dream
alive in an even bigger way and is a powerful extension of her commitment to her own family.
All proceeds from the fund, minus platform and processing fees, will be used to support the
education of Children of the 58 victims. A committee established by the Nevada Community
Foundation will oversee the fund. At least 55 children are currently eligible based on the
following criteria:
1. The children had to be 21 years of age or younger on October 1, 2017.
2. The scholarship is intended for tuition only at an accredited college, university or trade
This fund is distinct from the Las Vegas Victims Funds in that it is specifically intended as a
scholarship for the identified children of the victims, not for the victim’s compensation or any
other purpose.
Proceeds from the fundraiser will be housed at the Nevada Community Foundation, a public
charity established in 1989 in Las Vegas, Nevada, specializing in working with individuals,
families and organizations to customize their philanthropic giving, EIN 88-0241420.
Thank you for your donation.